Traffic Division

All minor misdemeanor traffic offenses are “waiverable offenses” meaning that you admit guilt and pay your fines and court costs by mail, on-line or at the Clerks office without making a court appearance in front of the judge. Other violations REQUIRE a court appearance under the law. Below is a list of pleas and their meanings, a list of cases that require a court appearance and a list of waiverable citations and their costs.


  • Guilty - If you plead guilty, you waive certain rights and the court will hear your case immediately. The court will make its decision based on the facts of the arresting officer. You will be allowed to explain any circumstances that you feel the court should take into consideration before imposing sentence.
  • No Contest - If you plead no contest, you are admitting that the facts of the case are true but that admission cannot be used against you in any civil lawsuit (in cases like an assault where someone was injured). Again, the court will make its decision based on the facts of the arresting officer. You will be allowed to explain any circumstances that you feel the court should take into consideration before imposing sentence.
  • Not Guilty - If you plead not guilty your case will be continued to a later date for a pre-trial conference held with the prosecutor or a trial to the court. If you are requesting a trial by jury you must submit that request in writing. An attorney is not required but you may choose to be represented. If you plan to be represented, you must contact your attorney immediately.

Your case will be set on the next available date as determined by the court. If you have conflicts with the date set you or your attorney must immediately file a motion for continuance in writing with the court. You can locate this pleading under forms and the traffic division.

Mandatory Court Appearances

If you have been charged with one of the following violations you are REQUIRED to appear in court and cannot “waive” or just pay your citation:

  • Operating a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence
  • No Operators License
  • Driving Under any Suspension
  • Passing a Stopped School Bus
  • Wrongful Entrustment or Allowing a Person Under Suspension to Operate Your Vehicle
  • Physical Control
  • Drag Racing
  • Hit/Skip
  • Fleeing And Eluding
  • Vehicular Homicide

Traffic Forms

Continuance 10K Download
Court Appointed Counsel 19K Download
Driving Request 13K Download
Motion To Move Vehicle 15K Download
Not Guilty Waiver 12K Download
Precipe for Subpoena 11K Download
Release Vehicle 13K Download
Time Waiver 11K Download

Posting Bonds

If the defendant is incarcerated, bond may be posted per the court’s bond schedule. You may inquire as to the bond by calling the court or when the court is closed you may call Bryan Police Department at (419) 636-4233. After the defendant has appeared in court, the bond amount may differ from the bond schedule. Please check with the court for accurate bond information.

Bond may be posted at the Court from 8:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday and at Bryan Police Department, 103 North Beech Street, Bryan, Ohio at all other times. Bryan Police Department can accept cash and credit card bond on misdemeanor traffic and/or criminal cases. Credit card access fees will apply and are non-refundable. Felony bonds may only be posted in cash. The police department is not authorized to accept surety bonds.

The bond will be held by the court until the case is concluded. At conclusion, the court will retain ten percent of the bond regardless of the outcome of the matter per state statute.

Failure To Appear

Failure to appear in Court as required will result in the following actions:

  • A warrant for your arrest will be issued for failure to appear and contempt of court which is a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine, jail or both. You will be required to post a bond.
  • The Court will notify the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles of your failure to appear. The BMV will suspend your driving privileges until the case is complete and may withhold the issuance or renewal of your driver’s license and registration.
  • You will also incur further court costs.

Please remember that the Clerk and deputy clerks of the court are not attorneys and cannot give you legal advice or instruct you on how to properly defend yourself in court.

Bond Schedule

Waiverable Citations

The following traffic citations may be “waivered” by paying the amount shown next to the citation. Waivers must be paid in full – NO PARTIAL PAYMENTS. If you cannot pay the full amount prior to your court date, you must appear in court at your assigned time. Please note that your payment needs to be paid or postmarked by the court date given to you by the officer or a late fee of $5.00 will be assessed - NO EXCEPTIONS.

All traffic violations require proof of insurance for the date of the citation and for the vehicle that you were operating. If you ticket is marked “FR NOT SHOWN” you must bring your proof to the court or fax it to the court at (419) 636-3417. Please indicate your case number or ticket number on your fax. It is your responsibility to make sure the court receives the insurance information and that it is acceptable. Do not provide the court with invoices or applications. You need an insurance card with effective dates for the vehicle listed on the citation or a letter from your agent.

Failure to provide insurance verification will result in a suspension of your license for a minimum of ninety days and/or reinstatement fees imposed by the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles – NOT THE COURT.

If you did not have insurance, please make sure that the Bureau of Motor Vehicles has your correct address. The Bureau will mail you a notice telling you what your suspension dates will be and what your options are. They will send this notice to your last known address. The responsibility is yours to provide them with a correct address. The telephone number to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles is (614) 752- 7500, 7600 or 7700 and their website is

Speed Waiver
1-20 MPH Over $135.00
Second Violation $160.00
21-30 MPH Over $160.00
31- MPH Or More Over $210.00
3rd Offense In One Year $385.00
4th Offense In One Year $560.00
School Zones
1-15 MPH Over $185.00
16 MPH Or More Over $285.00
Speed In A Business District
Greater Than 35 MPH In 25 MPH Zone $285.00
Speed In A Municipal Corporation
Greater Than 50 MPH Over Limit $285.00
Commercial Speed (5537-2-03)
1-20 MPH Over $135.00
Second Violation $160.00
21-30 MPH Over $160.00
31 MPH Or More Over $210.00
Operator $80.00
Passenger $70.00
Child Restraint $110.00
A.C.D.A $160.00
Failure To Control $160.00
Most Equipment Violations $160.00

You may waive the above listed charges by paying the amount listed by several methods:

  1. Click Here To Pay With A Credit Card Now
  2. You may pay with check, cash, or credit card by visiting Bryan Municipal Court at 1399 East High Street, Bryan, OH 43506.
  3. You may pay with check, credit card or money order by mailing your payment to Bryan Municipal Court, P.O. Box 546, Bryan, OH 43506.

If paying by check please be aware that the court cannot accept “starter checks” with no pre-printed check number or no pre-printed account holder information. The court will not accept personal checks after your license has been suspended or about to be suspended. Checks must have your current address and telephone number listed. For proper credit please write your ticket number in the memo line.